Monday 24 November 2014

Ed Miliband and the Elephant in the Room

There's an elephant in the room, and no matter how tightly we close our eyes, we can't pretend it's not there. The vast majority of Labour members know in their hearts that Ed Miliband just isn't capable of leading the Party, let alone running the country, and the meltdown of the last few weeks - from his rubbish leader's speech at conference to the foot-shooting during the Rochester by-election - has made this more glaringly obvious. He just isn't up to it, and even worse, those around him appear to be even more inept. It's like being in a particularly toe-curling episode of The Thick Of It, only more ridiculous. All the hard work put in by ordinary members - the ones who really make the Party tick - is being completely undermined by those at the very top, who seem to be devoid of any kind of contact with reality. It's like watching a car-crash in slow-motion...

So we're stuck with Ed and his dodgy advisers until the election, and then afterwards there'll be a lot of soul-searching as to why the working-class have deserted us. In the meantime, the Conservatives will form a coalition with UKIP, the country's assets will be stripped, and it will become a nastier place to live, especially if you're on the bottom rung of life's ladder.

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